Figure 1 - The Fantasy Football Team Name Generator interface

Figure 1 – The Fantasy Football Team Name Generator interface

Making your own fantasy football team name generator is easy to do, and it’s entertaining to see the names that the program comes up with.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, I would not recommend using a name generator to select a name for your team – using your creativity is still your best bet – yet the program may give you some ideas.  But more than that, it’s mesmerizing simply to watch the multitude of combinations that the program constructs.  Some names are clearly deficient, but every now and then it will generate a name that squarely hits the cool mark between the eyes.

(If you would prefer to simply use our team name generator rather than making your own, select ‘Team Name Generator’ from menu above, or click HERE.)

The name generator that I’ll show you how to make will randomly create a unique fantasy football team name from 10,000 possibilities with each push of a button.  The only tools you’ll need are your computer and a typical spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel or Apache OpenOffice Calc.  In this post, I’ll show you how to make a fantasy football team name generator in both spreadsheets.

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Where did the NFL teams get their names?  In my previous post, I offered strategies and ideas for coming up with a cool name for your fantasy football team.  One of my suggestions was to take a tip from the pros.  Nearly all of the NFL team names have a tie with the city from which they hail, and my advice was to follow suit and have your fantasy team name have a connection with you.  That got me to thinking: How exactly did each of the NFL team names originate?  I did some digging, and this is what I found out:

Arizona Cardinals
The team now known as the Arizona Cardinals began as an amateur athletic club that was founded in 1898.  The team was later moved to Normal Park, located on Racine Avenue, in Chicago, and given the name the Racine Normals.  In 1901, team founder, Chris O’Brien, purchased used maroon jerseys for his team from the University of Chicago, but the colors had faded.  O’Brien declared, “That’s not maroon, it’s cardinal red!”  From that point on, the team was known as the Cardinals.

Atlanta Falcons
The name for the Falcons was chosen in a team naming contest.  Julia Elliott, a high school teacher from Georgia, was the contest winner.  Some of the many suggested names were the Bombers, Crackers, Fireballs, Firebirds, Knights, Rebels, Thrashers, and Thunderbirds.
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1940_helmet_2One of the first jobs you’re tasked with when you begin playing fantasy football is coming up with a cool sounding team name for your franchise.  This is not a responsibility to be taken lightly.  The name you choose will identify you.  Just as some Native American tribes give names to individuals that reflect their spirit, your team name should be a reflection on you and your personality.  As such, it requires some goldarned serious consideration.

When you choose your team name, take a tip from the pros. NFL teams did not choose their names on a whim.  Instead, most have ties with their location.  For instance, the Baltimore Ravens named their team after the famous poem, The Raven, by Edgar Allen Poe.  The reason: Poe lived a big part of his life in Baltimore, and he died and was buried there.  Minnesota was given the moniker Vikings because of the many Scandinavian descendants living in the area.  You should follow suit and tie your franchise name to yourself in much the same way.

How do you come up with a name that is a reflection on you?  Take a notepad and start writing down some of your main interests, hobbies, and personality traits.  You could also take into account what you do for a living, or perhaps your ancestry.  The sky’s the limit to qualities that define you.  Just jot down things as they come to you.  Once you get a good list, whittle it down until you have a couple of traits that best define you.  The name I chose for my first fantasy football team was Ironhawks.  It combined two of my interests: Pumping iron, and attracting wild birds to my backyard.  Granted, my bird feeders did not invite many hawks, but hawks are nonetheless birds – and Ironfinches was a bit on the wimpy side!

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1940_helmet_1Welcome to the Football WebLog and my first blog post!  I thought a good way to begin my blog would be to tell you a little bit about what I’m planning to cover, and to explain what makes this site unique.  Here goes!

Football is a game of emotion.  If you take two teams equal in talent, the team that plays with emotion and heart will come out on top every time.  That’s why schools and colleges hold pep rallies before games.  Pep rallies build excitement, school spirit, and help electrify the team and school body.  The same goes with individual players.  If you have two players with similar talent, the athlete that plays with a fire in his belly will invariably outplay his counterpart.  Emotion is huge in football, as well as in life.

That’s the spirit I will try to capture at  I’m hoping to bring a passion not unlike the pomp and circumstance of the college game.  Think of an autumn day with a cool breeze that foreshadows the frigid winter to come, with a backdrop of snare drums and trumpets echoing through the stadium, and the intoxicating smells of popcorn and freshly mown grass.  It gets a person keyed up just thinking about it.

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