As we ramp up for the 2015 NFL season, I thought it would be a good time to include the follow-up video to the original The NFL: A Bad Lip Reading that went viral.  This second video – More NFL: A Bad Lip Reading – is just as whacked.  It’s filled with perceptive insight such as “a half and a half ain’t an apple”, and recommendations to “buy a toaster – you’ll probably use it”.  Sage wisdom for the ages.
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This post is just a quick summary of some recent happenings at Football Weblog.

I love adding interesting football-related items to this website, but when things break, it’s frustrating. Recently I discovered that the slideshows on some of my posts were not working. After several days of troubleshooting, I finally managed to get them running again. So if you recently viewed the following posts, and they weren’t working, rest assured they’re functioning once again.

Cool NFL Rebrand Concepts
Fun With Jersey Names

Star Wars Football Helmets

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On July 27th, with little fanfare, the NFL released its 2015 Kickoff Information Guide.  This publication is offered by the NFL for free.

On the surface, you might think it strange that the NFL – an organization all about making money – would spend their resources knocking out a free football publication.  Mind you, this isn’t a tiny little handout.  The 2015 Kickoff Information Guide is a 176-page monster chockfull of quality information.  There are articles about the players, teams, and coaches, along with tons of other material.  It’s an easy rival to the football rags you find at the newsstands, most of which are pushing the $10 envelope.  So what gives?  Has the NFL lost its collective mind to offer a first-rate magazine for free?  Hardly.

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Things got a bit hectic for ol' Gil this month!

Things got a bit hectic for ol’ Gil this month!

Well, a long trip to Alaska and the inevitable time spent catching up upon my return, coupled with other commitments, had “ol’ Gil” reeling this month, but we were finally able to knock out this month’s football calendar only a few days late.  Below are the links to our August 2015 NFL Calendar, in PDF format, ready for you to print and enjoy!
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Hey everybody!  Here are the links for the July 2015 NFL Calendar, in PDF format, ready for you to print and enjoy!

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I’m a calendar freak.  I have a couple of weather calendars, a country living calendar, and two car calendars hanging in my cubicle at work.  I guess I enjoy surrounding myself with pictures and information that reflect my interests, and the start of each month is a mini-festival as I turn the pages to reveal the new images.

I also have a football calendar, but while my other calendars are freebies from local businesses, it’s next to impossible to find a complimentary football calendar.  Of course there are tons of awesome, store-bought football calendars for sale, but if your wallet is anything like mine, it’s happiest when it remains fat.

So how did I acquire a football calendar?  I made my own.  Even more, I published online copies to share.  They’re in PDF format, ready for you to print and enjoy.  I’ve created two versions: A standard style for printing 8-1/2 x 11 sheets, and a tabloid version for printers that support 11 x 17.  Stop back each month for the latest release.  A new monthly addition will be made available about a week prior to the start of each month.  (I hope you like them!)

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2015_Mem_Day_4It’s Memorial Day weekend, so I’m diverging from football to pass along a poem by Amanda Bradley. The world needs a little more of the sanity she conveys.

Happy Memorial Day weekend, everybody. As always, run to daylight.

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This video is already a couple of years old, but if you haven’t seen it, you’re in for a treat.  It’s hilarious.  No matter how many times I see it, I can’t help but to laugh.  I wonder if Pam Oliver has any more orange peanuts.  Life just doesn’t seem complete without one.  (Jealous!)
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It’s the middle of the football off-season, but the month of April brings some welcome relief to football diehards.  The pro football player draft is literally only days away, plus the NFL just released its 2015 game schedule.  It’s not as exciting as, say, the season opener, but it’s the best it gets this time of year.

Of course, when the NFL releases its schedule, it’s time for me to break out the Szalinski Shrink Ray and reduce the entire 256-game regular season schedule down to one PDF file – ready to be downloaded and printed by you onto a single 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of paper.  And like I’ve done in the past, I’ve even created a version for each U.S. time zone.

Without further ado, I present to you the 2015 One Page NFL Schedule.  I hope you find it as useful as I do.  Enjoy!
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Team_Name_Generator_ComputerAre you drawing a blank trying to come up with the perfect name for your new fantasy football franchise?  You’ve come to the right place!  Give our Fantasy Football Team Name Generator a try.  With over 10,000 name possibilities, you’re sure to find one that’s perfect for your team.  To try it out, select ‘Team Name Generator’ from our menu above, or click HERE.

2014_Stats_ImageA person can find a lot of great football related information online for free, but if you have a penchant for possessing a physical, tangible, organized publication of football material like I do, check this out.  The NFL has published a huge 67-page compilation of 2014 NFL statistics.  This tome is incredible!  From rushing, passing, and receiving, to interceptions, punt returns, and field goals.  Whatever NFL stat you’re looking for from 2014, chances are you’ll find it here.  Enjoy!

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Last year I posted about nine year old Samantha Gordon after she finished an incredible 2013 season playing football with the boys.  It was refreshing to see.  She displayed speed and moves, and was clearly a standout player.  Despite her remarkable year, I figured that would be the extent of it.  If she chose to play football again in 2014, I thought, the boys would make big strides in catching her in regard to strength and quickness.

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Del Rio posts fastest 40-yard dash of all Raiders head coach applicants

Del Rio posted the fastest 40-yard dash of all Raiders head coach applicants

1. ALAMEDA, CA – Jack Del Rio was selected as the new Oakland Raiders head coach based on his physical prowess, so says Oakland’s conditioning coach, Paul Ruby.  “The Raiders franchise has nobody on the payroll that’s able to evaluate coaching proficiency,” explained Ruby, “so we were left with no choice but to use the same qualifications our player talent scouts use when ranking players.”  It’s common knowledge that ‘Speed is King’ when searching for NFL talent, and Del Rio impressed the team with the fastest 40-time of all head coach applicants.  He also was able to bench 225-lbs for nearly half of a rep.  Prior to committing to Del Rio, the Raiders courted Raymond Cotter, former player with the University of Missouri.  Cotter holds the NFL combine bench press record with 51 reps in 1999.  Cotter turned down the Raiders offer for head coach stating that he wasn’t interested in leaving his Human Resources Clerk position with R.S. Mavis Fashion Wear.

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Sam Boik, the 2015 Clash of the Pro Bowl Cheerleaders Champion

Sam Boik, the 2015 Clash of the Pro Bowl Cheerleaders Champion

The 2nd Annual Clash of the Pro Bowl Cheerleader Tournament is over, and it’s the Denver Bronco Belle, Sam Boik, that’s been crowned our 2015 champion.  Sam slipped past Minnesota’s Kaylee 7 votes to 5.  (Click HERE to see the complete tournament bracket.)  Thank you to everyone for your votes!

It’s fitting that Kaylee was runner-up.  Her team, the Vikings, shares the NFL record with the Bills for most Super Bowl appearances without a win: four.  (Perhaps the only way either team will ever win a Super Bowl is if it’s a Minnesota-Buffalo matchup.  Something would have to give!)

Congratulations Sam!  Once the word gets out that you’ve won our tournament, fame and fortune are sure to follow!!!

2014 champion Casey-HOU (left) and 2015 champion Sam-DEN (right)

2014 champion Casey-HOU (left) and 2015 champion Sam-DEN (right)



Cleveland Browns 'brown' in grayscale

Cleveland Browns ‘brown’ in grayscale

1.  COLUMBIA, MD – To put it kindly, the Cleveland Browns franchise has been mired in mediocrity for the past two decades.  Since 1995, only two seasons concluded with a winning record.  To exasperate things even further, a new quandary has surfaced that promises to thrust the franchise into even deeper discord.  “The Cleveland NFL franchise needs to change its name”, says Donald Smith.  Smith is a forklift operator from Columbia, MD, and is principal director of CVDAN (Color Vision Deficiency Awareness Now), a group 220,000 individuals strong that promotes awareness to color blindness.  “‘Browns’ is an offensive term that’s loaded with pigment bigotry”, insists Smith, “and we will not rest until the Cleveland franchise changes its name.”  Polls indicate that the majority of people side with CVDAN, and support for their cause is growing daily.  Cleveland Browns majority owner, Jimmy Haslam, asserts that, not only is ‘Browns’ not an offensive term, but is a pleasing color, even if viewed in grayscale. Read more ›