Sea Gal Hope Captures 2016 Cheerleader Tournament Crown

Sea Gal Hope defeated the Broncos’ Christina by the narrowest of margins, 8-7, to capture the 2016 Clash of the Pro Bowl Cheerleaders championship. This year’s entire tournament was marked by close matches, so it was only fitting that Hope garnered the victory by a single vote. (Click HERE to see the tournament bracket.)
Although the voting was incredibly close, we would have been hard pressed to find a more fitting champion. If I had the ability to make it happen, the 2016 Clash of the Pro Bowl Cheerleaders tournament would be a springboard to bigger and better things for our winner. Congratulations Hope!
Lastly, I tip my hat to you, the readers, for your stellar voting prowess. Thank you!
To close out the tournament, here’s a little biographical information for Hope.
Occupation: Receptionist
High School: Elkins High School (Missouri City, TX)
College: Louisiana State University
Major or Degree: Health Care
Years as a Sea Gal: Rookie
Dance Background: Competitive dance, Cheerleading, Louisiana State University Golden Girls, New Orleans Saintsations
Hobbies: Dancing, cooking (especially Southern food), reading, and spending time with my two dogs.
Major Accomplishment: Being the first in my family to earn a college degree.
Best Experience: Aside from becoming a Sea Gal, some of my most cherished experiences have come from my time spent as a dance teacher. Performing is wonderful, but helping my students grow as dancers and young women is so rewarding for me.
How I Stay Fit: I believe in making healthy choices, rather than dieting. I think of healthy living as more of a lifestyle than a short term fix to stay thin. Small indulgences each day are key for staying on track. No matter how busy I am, I also make time each and every day for an ab workout and some type of arm exercise.
Best Part of Being a Sea Gal: Sea Gals has already changed my life in so many ways, but what I’m looking forward to the most is being able to share my passion of performing for the biggest and loudest fans in the NFL!