One Page 2017 NFL Schedule

The 1957 black-and-white science fiction film, The Incredible Shrinking Man, is about a guy who eventually becomes so small he’s able to fit through the small squares of a window screen. It’s my hope that you find the entire 256-game NFL schedule neatly shrunk to fit a single sheet of paper just as incredible.
I present to you Football Weblog’s 2017 One Page NFL Schedule. As always, the One Page NFL Schedule is published in PDF format, so it’s ready to be easily downloaded and printed on a standard 8½” x 11” sheet of paper. For your convenience, there’s even a version for each U.S. and Canadian time zone.
Lastly, if you have ideas on how the schedule can be improved, or if you notice any problems, please don’t hesitate contact me. Thank you!
Last updated 12/27/2017 to reflect NFL schedule changes for week 17
North America
Newfoundland Time Zone
Atlantic Time Zone
Atlantic Time Zone (Eastern Caribbean only)
Eastern Time Zone
Central Time Zone
Mountain Time Zone
Mountain Time Zone (Arizona only)
Pacific Time Zone
Alaska Time Zone
Hawaii Time Zone
Eastern European Time
Central European Time
Western European Time