Notice: No Week 7 Content

The best part of running my own website is having the freedom to post about anything I think will be useful and interesting to you, the readers. The problem is, when something unexpected comes up, there’s no one to back me up. Sadly, that’s the situation for this upcoming week: My workplace is sending me to Hannover, Germany.
My original hope was to find enough free time while in Hannover to blog as usual. Unfortunately it looks like my free time will be extremely limited, so it’s with reluctance that I have to report that posting any content for week 7 will be next to impossible. This means that the One Page NFL Schedule won’t be updated with week 6 scores, there will be no week 7 cheatsheet, and there will be no Power Rankings or Picks for week 7.
I’m sorry for the inconvenience this may cause to those of you that make it part of their football week to visit my website. I can only assure you that, after this week, I’ll pick the ball up again in week 8 and run where I left off.
Again, my apologies, and thank you for your understanding.
Wie immer zum Tageslicht rennen! (i.e., as always, run to daylight!)