Get Ready for the NFL Season with the 2023 Kickoff Guide

Hold onto your shot glasses, folks, because in just three days, the 2023 NFL regular season is about to flow into our lives like a river of liquid gold at a beer festival. If you’re anything like the rest of us hopheads, you’ve been thirsting for the return of football action. Well, guess what? The NFL has decided to be our bartender and just served up their annual pregame cocktail in PDF format – the 2023 NFL Kickoff Guide!
This boozy book of football knowledge is a hefty 198 pages that’s been aged to perfection, much like a fine wine. It’s packed with more football wisdom than your favorite local pub on trivia night. And here’s the kicker – it won’t cost you a single penny. Forget about fancy wine tastings; this guide is the sommelier of football insights.
To wet your whistle with this delightful elixir of football facts, simply give that NFL Publications button a gentle click below, or mosey on over to the Football Weblog’s menu and raise your glass to NFL Publications. Cheers! You’ll find yourself on the NFL Publications page, where you can grab the 2023 NFL Kickoff Guide and a treasure trove of other NFL documents, dating back to 2014. So, here’s to you, fellow football aficionados. It’s time to savor some football knowledge and gear up for a season filled with touchdowns and touchdowns…of fun! 🏈🍻📖
NFL Publications