All Football Weblog Printables Updated With Week 16 Results

All of Football Weblog printables — NFL Schedules and NFL Standings — have been updated with results from Week 16. The Schedules also now reflect the following NFL scheduling changes for Week 17.
- Pittsburgh at Baltimore has moved from 1:00 PM ET to 4:25 PM ET.
- Washington at Dallas has moved from 1:00 PM ET to 4:25 PM ET.
- Tennessee at Houston has moved from 1:00 PM ET to 4:25 PM ET.
- Indianapolis at Jacksonville has moved from 1:00 PM ET to 4:25 ET.
- Philadelphia at the New York Giants has moved from 1:00 PM ET to 4:25 PM ET.
- San Francisco at Seattle has moved from 4:25 PM ET to 8:20 PM ET.
Click one of the blue buttons below to be taken to either the NFL Schedules or NFL Standings page, or you can always access these pages from the menu.